We - all of us, human & otherwise - deserve to be recognised for the fact that we’re here, doing our best.
Human, Fox, Rabbit, Pigeon, or other, we are all here because our planet ‘birthed us into being’ right here, right now, and it is our shared birthright to thrive (and to seek to keep on thriving).
That’s why the WCB has always been about celebrating Rehabbers/Vet Professionals AND the wildlife that they care for, equally.
As humans, we can only ever ‘know what we know’ (and then we can find support to fill in the gaps) so the WCB has been supporting new Rehabbers to get set up with at least a minimum requirement of knowledge, suitable premises & a good working relationship with a Vet Practice, since we ourselves launched in February 2022…
(This was after over a year of development, where every Wildlife Rescue & Vet Professional in the UK was invited to our development meetings, so that the WCB truly represented the Wildlife Rescue Industry, self regulating itself).
There have been quite a few instances of the WCB supporting UK Rehabbers that we haven’t shared about but here is one recent example that we especially want to present to you all. (We won’t share the name of the Rehabber, as that is private, but here’s the support that we have been offering)…
A few months ago, a very new Wildlife Rehabber got in touch with us at the WCB - asking some questions about getting the RR&T Badge - and here’s the support that they have had since…
They have been put in touch with a specialist wildlife trained Vet Surgeon & Vet Nurse, as well as 2 extremely experienced Rehabbers, so that they can call/message for advice as needed, on every possible case that could potentially go beyond their current experience.
Members of the WCB Committee have been supporting a budding relationship between the Rehabber in question & their local Vet Surgeon (who has proven themselves to be a fantastic wildlife experienced Vet, and who has gone above and beyond on every case that they have treated together, so far).
Many hours have been invested in enabling the Rehabber to set themselves up to be the best Rehabber that they can be - providing case by case, one-to-one support - and to only get better & better, with a full understanding that not only are they supported in their work but that they are expected to recognise the rights of wildlife to at least a minimum level of care and that they never compromise on that care.
If you’re a new/newish Wildlife Rehabber & you’d like to experience this level of support too, just get in touch with us through the website and we’ll do all that we can.
We’re all in this together. With this understanding, we can try to give every poorly/orphaned wild life, a second chance.